European Digital Publishing Award

The European Digital Publishing Award welcomes media companies that create and market content-driven products, as well as their suppliers, service partners and service providers. The awards ceremony will take place in Vienna during the European Publishing Congress June 6–8, 2021 at Schönbrunn Palace. Get your ticket here.


European Publishing Platform of the Year /
Digital Publisher of the Year
The category awards a digital platform/brand which is successful, proper and creative in a number of ways – and the publisher behind it. Entries should include a brief description and a clear suggestion why it may become European Digital Platform of the Year. The jury is free to promote entries from other categories to the shortlist.


Dennik N
N Press (Slovakia)

European Start-up
of the Year

This category awards a digital platform or brand which was launched in the past 3 years. A brief description and a clear suggestion why the platform may become European Newcomer of the Year to your entry should be added to the submission. The jury is free to promote entries from other categories to the shortlist.


Media Pioneer Publishing

Digital Storytelling
This categorie is for outstanding stories or columns or bunches of those (e.g. dossier) which make best use of digital characteristic or features from an editorial point of view.


Wann die AfD gewinnt – und verliert
Funke Media Group (Germany)

Der Amoklauf von Winnenden – 10 Jahre danach
Stuttgarter Zeitung und Nachrichten (Germany)

STERN: Organ Donation – The last gift of a person who had no chance any more
Gruner + Jahr (Germany)
Editorial Concept
Most creative approaches in terms of content and style of a digital publishing platform, no matter if stand-alone or part of a brand. Editorial principals should be described, including topics and why the concept worked.


Steingarts Morning Briefing Podcast
Media Pioneer Publishing (Germany)

Product & Usability
Digital publishing at its best: Showcasing excellent and user-centric publishing products which support the underlying editorial strategy and business approach.


E-Paper Der Standard
Visiolink (Denmark)

Cross Media Approach
The category "Cross Media Approach" awards stunning digital media which create a perfect match with an (existing or new) non-digital product.


Boing App
Turner (Italy)

Mein schöner Garten – Vom Printmagazin zur Content- und E-Commerce-Plattform
Hubert Burda Media (Germany)

Business Model
Driving a digital platform’s revenues on the basis of a deliberate, consequent strategy. Please describe the business model and how it interacts with audience and clients.


Tagesspiegel Checkpoint
Verlag Der Tagesspiegel (Germany)

glomex (Germany)

Audience Marketing
This categorie is for successful methods and campaigns for attracting users to a digital platform. Please describe challenges and results.


“Wisst Ihr Noch?”
Cormes (Germany)

Il Tempo delle Donne Festival
RCS Mediagroup (Italy)

The category focusses on tools which support digital publishing products – like Targeting, Analytics, CMS, Payment etc.


Content Mining mit Topic-Modelling
Funke Media Group (Germany)

ZREALITY – The world’s first Content Management Platform to make Brands come alive in Augmented and Virtual Reality with WebXR
ZREALITY (Germany)
Brand Solutions
Enhancing the value added chain successfully by using innovative approaches like Content Marketing or Native Advertising.


24 sata native
24 sata (Croatia)

Best use of podcast within editorial digital media.


STERN: Faking Hitler
Gruner + Jahr (Germany)



Jochen Wegner


Zeit Online

Magdalena Balanicka

Board Member

Forum Media Polska

Dominik Grau

Managing Director

Beuth Verlag

Hege Yli Melhus Ask

Group CEO

NHST Media Group

Tobias Köhler

Head of Strategy and Innovation


Thomas Hofbauer

Head of Media / Digital

Salzburger Nachrichten

Nora Beckershaus

Chief Innovation Officer


Jan-Eric Peters

CEO / Editor-in-chief


Carsten Erdmann



Niddal Salah-Eldin

Deputy Editor


Daniel Torka


NPG digital

Anders Heering

CEO and Editor-in-chief


Martin Zimper

Head of Audiovisual Media

Zürcher Hochschule der Künste

Astrid Deilmann

Head of Digital Communication

WWF Deutschland

Florian Harms



Marc Bartl
